These scans are always in Bristol Children's Hospital and involve an over night stay and this time both the CLIC Sargent House's were full and so we had to find a hotel to stay in. It made us realise how different things would have been for our family if the CLIC Home from Home's were not there, they really were a haven for us. We try and make the trip to Bristol as enjoyable as we can once the cannula and radioactive isotope injection have been done and so this time we went to the cinema to watch Avengers - Age of Ultron. Because it was the middle of the afternoon we had the whole cinema to ourselves which was perfect. Ryan was able to return to school as couple days later once the radioactive drug had left his body.

He is feeling well and enjoying being a typical boy. It is hard to get a photo of him these days as apart from when he is on his x-box he is never sitting still.
Yesterday we went on a leisurely bike ride with friends and when we sat down for well earned light refreshments all the boys wanted to do was skid on the grass on their bikes despite having already cycled miles!!