I hate waiting, thoughts of what might happen are sometimes
hard to keep at bay. But we have been
keeping as busy as we can and making the most of Ryan feeling well while the
sun is shining.
After clinic on Friday we came back to the parent’s house
and there were some children playing at the house, 2 girls which were sisters
of children that were having treatment.
Ryan didn’t waste any time and didn’t need the usual encouragement to
join in. He ran outside and didn’t stop playing
for a good couple hours, scooting, playing football and running around the
house and garden. It really was great to
see him being so active, the most active that he had been in absolutely ages.
Saturday though he woke up complaining that his leg hurt
when he walked, my stomach always turns when he complains of pain. But realistically he had used his muscles
more the day before than he had in weeks and so we tried to encourage him to
try and walk properly when he needed to but he spent all the morning playing
x-box on-line with friends and sure enough his leg improved (and I could breath

On Sunday any aches and pains from the day before had gone
and the sun was shining so we told Ryan we were going out for the day. Gareth had been looking on the internet for
something to do and had found that the second longest dry toboggan run in
Europe was within 2 hours drive. This is the website
www.hasenhorn-rodelbahn.de if you
are ever in this area! It really was worth the drive just to see Todtnau, the
beautiful village that it was in. The toboggan
or coaster was set on the side of a mountain, we caught a chair lift to the top
and the views on the way up were spectacular. If you can zoom in on the photo you will see Gareth and Ryan.
Then the coaster took you back to
the bottom – 2.9km of railed tracked to be precise and Ryan screamed all the
way the first time down. It took about 4
minutes even going ‘flat out’! Gareth
and Ryan were together with me trying to keep up behind, it was great fun. Gareth videoed the ride and we will try and
upload it to YouTube – but be warned there is lots of screaming, Ryan did enjoy
it although he does sound a bit terrified at times! He loved the second time more I think when he
knew what to expect.
Then yesterday it was back to reality and a clinic
appointment at 9.30a.m. Ryan blood
counts have all dropped. Not plummeted,
just dropped. They are allowed to drop,
they usually peak and trough apparently but the question is are Ryan’s dropping
because of the situation that he is in or are they behaving normally and dipping
before they pick up again? No one can
answer this question today – we have to wait until we get the next blood
results on Wednesday……..
Vanessa is back at the house today with her mum and dad as
she has scans and tests this week to see if she can start the next phase of
treatment. Ryan didn’t get to meet
Vanessa in person as he was in isolation when she was at the house and was
unusually shy when he saw her yesterday morning but soon got over that and has already introduced her to the joys of minecraft!
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