Ryan's story

Ryan was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma N-MYC amplified in July 2008. He was out of treatment for just over a year when in November 2010 our lives were again turned upside down when we discovered the disease had returned in his bones and bone marrow. After a year of treatment re-staging scans in November 2011 showed that he had again achieved remission.

However just 3 months later, in February 2012, end of treatment scans gave us the devastating news that the disease has returned, this time with a tumour near his spine. In March Ryan started 4 weeks of radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy. Re-staging scans in May and August showed no evidence of disease. On the 4th September 2012 Ryan received treatment in Tubingen for a haplo-identical stem cell transplant. He is a happy, active boy who is now enjoying life to the full.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Today's blood count was a little disappointing; his HB has dropped from 8.4 to 8.2; Platelets from 21 to 19 and the most important WBC from 2.1 to 1.1.

Ryan will have platelets today but we are going to wait a while longer for the red blood and see what happens. He copes well with low HB and would rather see his Nanny and Grandad who arrive later today for a couple days then have a blood transfusion.

A T-cell analysis was taken today and we anxiously await the results.

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